A treasure trove of knowledge. A stack of language dictionaries, representing the depth and richness of language learning

How Effective Is Google Translate For Language Learning?

Author: Carl

Your Language Learning Expert!

Google Translate is a commonly used translating tool, but the question is; how effective it is in translating information for your needs? One of the main reasons it can be used is for language learning. Translating information between your native language and your target language can be very helpful when learning a new language. There are also other reasons to use Google Translate, but no matter the reason for using them, the question that always comes up is how correct such translations are.

Over the past few years, Google Translate has worked hard at improving its ability to provide a good translation of the text that you input into it. If you have not used this translation tool for several years you would be surprised at how far it has come. Although it is doubtful that translation machines could match the skill and nuance of human interpreters and translators, it is still effective when used correctly.

Defining translation. A stone block with the words 'a translation from one language to another' inscribed on it, exploring the core concept of translation discussed in the blog post

Using Google Translate For Assignments

If you want to get ahead on a language assignment and use Google Translate to do your hard work to translate your essay from English to German, you will be disappointed with the results. The result would be a mostly coherent, non-humanlike German essay. It would contain some grammatical errors, however, it would also contain grammatical structures that you would not usually use, or may not know about yet. Furthermore, there would be words that do not sound natural to a German speaker and wouldn’t be used as they are in the text. Even more to the point, you are only robbing yourself of an opportunity to practice your language skills. One day there may be automatic translation tools you can use in real-time with someone on the street, but it won’t be as personal as simply speaking to them in German. Practice makes perfect and using Google Translate in this way won’t help you get there.

Be careful of using translators too much as you may find that instead of learning the language, you have instead become dependent on translators.

Remember, Google Translate is a tool and should be used as such, rather than relied upon to give you a perfect product for a class or business use. While the rise of AI may help in this area, it won’t help you too much in the realm of language learning.

Navigating the complexities of language. Glasses with text in one language resting on a book in another, highlighting the challenges and opportunities of translation tools like Google Translate

What Is More Accurate Than Google Translate?

Is there a more accurate German translator instead of Google Translate?

Although Google Translate does a fairly good job, there is a new and upcoming machine translator called DeepL Translator, which also does a very good job of translating texts. Some reviews show that DeepL perhaps uses a slightly better choice of words in translations both from German to English and English to German.

Depending on your needs, almost any machine translator will be able to give you a reasonably good guide for what is being written in the other language.

If you do decide to use a translator, make sure that you are also proofreading the result to ensure that there are no grammatical mistakes and that the words that are used make sense to you.

Generative tools such as ChatGPT will do a decent job of translating some of your work. One of the good things to keep in mind is that AI such as ChatGPT uses large amounts of text to understand what you are asking of it and to respond in the correct way. This means that it’s actually pretty good at conversing with you in a foreign language using correct grammar. Keep in mind though, that the information it gives you, no matter the language, should be verified.

More information on using AI for language learning specifically can be found here.

A whimsical reminder that learning can be fun! A wooden pelican engrossed in a dictionary

Positive Uses Of Google Translate

Google Translate will be very useful if you are simply wanting to get the gist of a text, or if there is a specific phrase or words that you do not understand. It can also help with the pronunciation of different words and reading texts to you. On the other hand, this should not be used in place of certified translators or interpreters when official business is being done, such as VISA/residency paperwork, because everyone needs to be sure that the information is being given correctly.

There will almost certainly be some issues with machine translation tools compared to human interpreters and translators because machine translations simply won’t convey the nuances humans can achieve. When speaking to friends in another language, I may phrase a sentence in a particular way to emphasize something specific, whereas a machine translation would simply use the grammatically correct sentence. This can take some of the life out of the language, but this is a great starting point for understanding any text.

If you were to use an app such as Duoling to learn a language, having Google Translate open on the side can also help you. It doesn’t matter if you’re learning one of the easier languages on Duolingo, or one of the most spoken languages in the world, some of which are quite challenging. Duolingo can help you out.

As a side note, if you are looking at learning a new language, or simply want to dabble and dip your toe into learning one, I recommend starting with Duolingo as a first step.

A collaborative learning experience. Two women engaged in conversation, sharing ideas and knowledge with a notebook open

Use Google Translate For On The Fly Translation

One positive use of Google Translate is the ability to use it as a translation tool while you are in another country. Because it can speak out loud, this has the also benefit of removing any issues in pronunciation for you! This can be particularly useful if you are a tourist in another country and need to say something obscure, or simply something you haven’t learned before.

Another way that Google Translate can help in a similar vein, is while you are speaking with a language tutor. If there are words that you just can’t say correctly, or can’t quite hear from your tutor, you can pull up Google Translate to say the words for you. Language tutors, while not necessary, can be very helpful for language learning and can be used in conjunction with translation tools.

The modern language learner. A businessman using a laptop and phone for work, highlighting the increasing reliance on technology and tools like Google Translate for effective communication in a globalized environment

Using Google Translate For Language Learning

One of the ways that Google Translate can be used effectively for learning a language is to help you build your vocabulary. Hopefully, you are using Anki for language learning. If not, I recommend that you start as soon as possible.

The reason that Google Translate can be helpful with this is for creating your flashcards. There are a lot of words to be learned, no matter the language you are learning. This means making flashcards in bulk is ideal, and Google Translate can help with this. Incidentally, if you use another translation tool, that is not a problem at all. There are many translation tools out there now, but all translation tools are useful for helping you learn a language.