Category: Language Learning
How To Know If Language Classes Are Right For You
Language classes, while still having a place in language learning, may not be the most beneficial or efficient use of your time, depending on a few factors such as your experience in learning languages, your time availability, and how you best learn. Before the internet made access to information easier, language classes were one of…
Popular Quotes To Motivate You To Learn A Language (Must Read)
Popular Quotes To Motivate You To Learn A Language (Must Read)
Author: Carl
Your Language Learning Expert!
There are endless quotes about any aspect of life, and languages and language learning is no different. I have put some popular quotes below that will hopefully help motivate you to continue your learning of languages and to get a little bit of perspective about what language learning can offer. The first quote that we…
Everything You Need To Know About Mother Tongue Languages
Everything You Need To Know About Mother Tongue Languages
Author: Carl
Your Language Learning Expert!
Everyone has at least one mother tongue language. The word tongue is used in a language context to mean language, and therefore mother tongue just means mother language. This is also known as your native language or your first language, and it is the first language that you learn as a child, from your parents.…
How To Make The Most Of Language Learning Tutors
Language learning tutors have the potential to be a great benefit to help you learn a language, or a drain on your money without helping you get very far. What should you be doing to make use of a language tutor? Do you even need to get one? These are the questions this article will…
Why Learning a Second Language in School is Crucial
Learning a second language in school is an opportunity that you should try your best to not shy away from. There are many important reasons for this, which will be explained in this article. During the many years spent at school, you will find yourself the opportunity to try a wide variety of subjects. This…
What Is The Scientifically Fastest Way To Learn A Language?
What Is The Scientifically Fastest Way To Learn A Language?
Author: Carl
Your Language Learning Expert!
A quick google search whatever you countless websites, resources, courses, and apps that proclaim that they are the number one method of learning a new language. Language learning is a personal journey that differs from person to person. It is not quite the same as learning other skills such as maths or cooking, because there…
How Useful Is Anki For Language Learning (Answered)
Anyone who has used Anki knows that it is completely worth it for language learning! Anki is a tool that enables users to create flashcards well using a spaced repetition system (SRS) style of learning. This makes Anki the perfect tool for language learning while also enabling you to create your own flashcards to practice…
Can I Learn A New Language Just From Playing Video Games?
Can I Learn A New Language Just From Playing Video Games?
Author: Carl
Your Language Learning Expert!
Video games are a growing way of spending free time, especially for young people at the end of a school day. You may have wondered if you could harness these games to a language while you’re playing a game at the same time. If you enjoy video games and learning languages perhaps there’s a way…
5 Great Reasons Why The German Langauge May Be Great For You To Learn
5 Great Reasons Why The German Langauge May Be Great For You To Learn
Author: Carl
Your Language Learning Expert!
There are many reasons for you to learn German. Language learning in general can be incredibly fulfilling, however with so many languages in the world, you may ask yourself; why should I learn German? What are the benefits of learning this language instead of another language? There are many great reasons to learn German, and…